Wendy 8th February 2019

Whenever I see poppies Whenever I see poppies I always think of you, When the sun is shining bright, And even in the pouring rain, They grow with all their might. So delicate and yet so strong, Courageous in their spirit, Whatever nature throws their way, They grow, they never fear it. They’re just like you in many ways, For the worries that you’ve known, You always faced them bravely, You’re pain was never shown. An inspiration, a warrior, You loved and never judged, You helped me through my darkest times, Your faith was never budged. You’ll forever be a miracle, Who fought this till the end, When doctors told you you’d stay down, You stood and walked again! I never will forget your smile, Or the fierceness of your spirit, You had the most amazing laugh, Inside, I still can hear it. Sister, mum, nan, aunt and wife, You were loved so many ways, And even in your times of strife, You smiled anyway. You lived for every single day, You never said, “It’s done" And even though you had to rest, This battle you have won! I’ll take with me the memories, Of your spirit shining through, And never will a day go past, That I won’t think of you. So whenever I see poppies I’ll always think of you, As they reach to kiss the sun, I’ll hold you deep within my heart, Until my days are done. Written for Aunty Jen.x