Scott 27th January 2019

I met Jen around 2001 when I became Customer Services Manager at Allders Guildford. We hit it off straight away. It was a new store and we all started together. Jen had the added bonus of having worked in the same store with C&A and I remember the very first day having to call upon Jen’s knowledge to open the already existing Safe as the combination was unknown to Allders. We had so many good times and fun there. We both loved our music and still to this day I think of Jen when I here “Escape” by Enrique Iglesias. We’d both sing along to it. We had a radio in the office and quite often I’d enter the “name the year” competitions (I’d be in the cash office) Jen and Betty would be in the main office - I would make a mention of them to the radio DJ and the surprise on their faces when I’d be on the radio while sitting just yards away from them in the cash office. I remember our department gatherings out of work and the meals we’d go for. We had such a tight team back then. Lots of fun and laughter. I miss those days and we now have to say goodbye to this lovely lady. Like one of her friends said above, Jen was a very private lady, back then we had no idea of the battle she had already had. She never moaned or grumbled and was always there for everyone at Allders and I will miss her. She also made the best tea lol. Sleep tight Jen, thank you for being a friend and a part of my life, my thoughts are with your lovely family. xx